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What are your favourite excuses for not getting the results you want?

Don’t tell me you don’t have one, because if you are completely honest, I bet you do! I have heard dozens of excuses … I have used several myself over the years for not sticking to my healthy eating. If you want to lose weight then what you put in your mouth will account for 80% of your success! Yes, so get your healthy eating right and you are well on your way to getting the results you want!

Excuses only aide in sabotaging your weight loss efforts. They bring back all those negative thoughts you had pushed away making you feel like you are never going be successful.

Overcoming these excuses is one BIG step towards getting the results you want.

Here are 5 of the many excuses I hear and how you can overcome them!

#1 – “It Takes So Much Time to Prepare Healthy Meals”

Work / family time pressure .. of course it will always be easier to choose the quick and easy option when you are working all day and then running around with after school activities. Prepare yourself so that you don’t have to think when it comes to lunch / dinner .. plan your menu and have your groceries done and in the house so that everything is available as soon as you get in the door … plan ahead! Using a slow cooker is also a great option. Throw all the ingredients in first thing in the morning and voila it’s ready when you get home.

Long recipes .. these are best left for the weekend when you want to try something a bit different. Quick and easy is the order for the week … nothing wrong with some lean protein and salad or steamed veg during the week! If you do want to look for inspiring recipes, scan through them and make sure there aren’t too many steps or unusual ingredients or crazy cooking techniques!

#2 – “It costs so much to feed the family”

Yes I will agree that sometimes the cost of healthy food can be high. But not all the time .. compare the cost of buying processed and packaged foods or takeaway meals ( usually only one meal ) against that of buying fresh fruit and veggies which allow you to prep more than one meal or snack over the course of the week. Most times it will come out cheaper and you need to also factor in the nutrients you are getting from all the fresh produce. There are also other ways that you can look to cutting back costs .. buying in bulk and prepping your meals in bulk.

The cost of some “healthy / super foods” .. Don’t buy them unless you really need them. It is not necessary to cook with coconut oil everyday nor do you need to buy maca powder to put in smoothies. You can survive without these, seriously. Stick to the basics and you will get loads of healthy benefits. *I have nothing against these foods mentioned, I spend enough money on groceries each week!

#3 – “It’s all too hard”

Baby steps! You don’t need to change your entire healthy eating routine in the first 2 days. Make changes gradually and you are more likely to stick with them. Also, refer to the planning excuse! Then ask yourself, “do you want the results or not?”. Ask yourself why you are wanting to lose weight .. I mean the real WHY not the one you tell yourself or your friends, I mean the one you don’t necessarily want to hear, the one that is really hard to admit. That’s your driving reason why you want to make a change to your eating / lifestyle / weight. Let this be your new motivation!

#4 – “Worried won’t meet your own or others expectations”

It is not about anyone else but you! You are not going to lose 20kg in 2 or even 3 months so don’t put those expectations on yourself .. this will only set you up to be disappointed if you do not reach this goal.
Surround yourself with people who are your cheerleaders and will support and encourage you. People who make you feel good about yourself and not beat you down if you have a slip up .. they will be the ones to say “you’ve done so well so far, don’t stop now!”

#5 – “How long will I be able to maintain this healthy eating regime?”

If you don’t make drastic, extreme changes such as eliminating food groups then it will be easier to convert your new healthy eating plan into a lifestyle choice. Baby steps! It really is all about consistency and moderation .. be strict when you need to be strict and give a little when you need to give a little .. just don’t give too much! You need to be able to reign yourself back in!

These are only a few of the excuses I hear, there are dozens of others.

Which excuses do you use? Is it time to beat some of your excuses and get the results you want?

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Vic x