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You know that feeling when your whole body hurts from your workout? Yep, that feeling .. that was me on Monday.

On the weekend we had netball fixtures on both Saturday and Sunday.  We usually only play on Saturday and on Sunday there are a few sore muscles, sometimes I can even back up and go for a little run .. but to back it up made me rather stiff and sore on Monday! It appears I’m not as young as I used to be!

What do you do when you have muscular pain and soreness? Heat, stretch, Epsom baths, rest .. complain most of the day?  If your muscles are quite sore it is a good idea to give them a rest and allow them to recover. As they are recovering they are building up and becoming stronger, so rest is a great addition to your workout routine.  If you are feeling up to it some active recovery like a light jog or walk or yoga could be the go.  I’ll admit that my recovery routine on Monday was not any of these!  I did the usual stuff, but not too much extra moving .. maybe I should have?  Moving on …

A week or so ago I was sent some Nurofen Heat Patches to try.  With a few extra aches in my back I thought Monday might be a good day to give them a go.  They are adhesive, so you can stick them on where you feel sore and go about your business.  The adhesive is not too strong so they shouldn’t irritate your skin.  I often get an itchy rash from adhesive, but these ones were fine.

Nurofen Heat Patches

As we all know heat is quite relaxing on sore muscles and it helps blood flow to the area which helps with the recovery process.  The patches are a gentle heat and it did seem like it took away some of the aches .. or was it mind over matter?

For me, they did seem to work so if you are prone to sore muscles from a workout, an injury, or even a sore back and neck from sitting at your desk or in the car for too long then they are certainly worth a try.  Because they stick to your skin and can be worn under your clothes, you can carry on as usual without having to carry a heat pack around with you! The patches contain natural minerals which, when exposed to air heat up to provide you relief.

If you would like more info or to try them for yourself, head to

What is your usual routine when it comes to muscular pain and soreness?

Vic x

* I was sent the heat patches to try and provide my thoughts. No, I wasn’t paid to write my thoughts and yes, I was really sore after the 2 games over weekend.

* Always read the label, use only as directed.  If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.