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I know that it’s not always easy to fit in a workout during the day with so many distractions in our life.  I’m just as good as anyone at finding an excuse too!
This is my reminder this week to move a bit more …

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And as an activity this week to get you moving .. why choose one thing and do it for at least 5 minutes every day for the week.  This way YOU are making it happen EVERYDAY. 

This new activity is over and above what you would normally do … do you want to get better at push ups, planks, stretching?

Here’s some ideas ..

10 push ups everytime you go to the loo
Release your inner 7 year old and skip for 5 minutes each day, even if it’s only for 1 minute at a time
10 squats or situps at every ad break while watching TV
Jog on the spot for 1 minute .. repeat several times a day
Stretch on the ads to improve your flexibility
Park further away from school or the shops or work

Get creative .. just get moving!

Let me know what you are doing to get moving for 5 extra minutes in your day …

Oh, don’t forget that you can sign up for email now so I can just appear in your inbox!

And, have a great week!


Vicki x