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One of my blogging cyber friends Liz from Last Chance Training! posted on Sunday night that she was issuing a challenge to herself and those who wish to participate and has declared “No Junk July”.

As soon as I read this I was in .. my diet has been leaning a little towards the .. shall we say, lazy over the last few weeks and I really need to pull my finger out and do something about it!  I am also on a bit of a band wagon at home about cleaning out all of the crap extra necessities that really aren’t necessities. 

Read more about Liz’s “No Junk July” here but these words from Liz really just sum it up …

“No Junk July” encompasses two things – using foods that are packaged in a minimum of “junk” and that require little or no junk ie excess packaging to transport them and to store them in. This means recyclable shopping bags, and eating mostly unprocessed foods for the month of July. 

Liz is also taking it a little further and declaring junk food off limits .. you know those pretty silver wrappers .. off limits!

I’m taking on the “No Junk July” challenge too.  We don’t eat a lot of processed food to begin with but I’m going to make a bit more of an effort to rely on my culinary skills than those of a packaging machine!  This is going to mean planning ahead just that bit more and organising my weekly grocery shop around the fresh fruit and veg section.

One of my big dislikes is the pre packaged “snacks” for kids.  As I have said before, my kids have pretty decent appetites so making sure I’ve always got food around is a big thing.  I will still bake for the kids snacks, so I’m not including this in the “junk” as I know what I’m putting in the food and as much as I can I substitute for a more healthy option.  You can check out some of my kids snack recipes here

In a nutshell, my “No Junk July” will consist of minimising the “junk” that comes into the house .. be that food or otherwise!  And eating fresh, unprocessed foods .. those with as little packaging as possible.  I’m thinking that “No Junk July” will be my lead up to “Sugar Free September” that I participated in last year!

Why not join us?!  Check us out on Twitter with the hashtag #nojunkjuly or pop your email over on the side there and get my blog posts on email!

Let me know if you are joining us, I would love to hear your thoughts and how you are going!

Vicki x